Our profile

Peter Littmann  

Stronger brands. Bigger markets.

The international strategic management consultancy BRANDINSIDER was founded in 2000. We specialize in advising small and mid-size family-run companies with precisely the same care, service and attention to detail as we do the world’s largest multi-nationals. Our efficient, pragmatic and cost-conscious solutions are custom-made to suit our clients’ own imperatives: clear cut competitive advantage and enhanced market value. 

Driving market value

Peter Littmann is the founder and Managing Director of BRANDINSIDER GmbH (CV Peter Littmann). Littman was the Chief Executive Officer of several international corporations, such as HUGO BOSS and is Marketing Professor at the German University Witten/Herdecke. He combines long-term experience in the practical leadership of fast growing companies and brands with an up-to-date comprehension of the latest academic views on marketing and corporate administration.

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  • Corporate strategy
  • Corporate spirit
  • Branding
  • Product marketing
  • Going international

Turning a competitive advantage into profit

We use our tools of strategic innovation and branding to support our clients in finding and using beneficial competitive positions. During our base market and target group analysis we develop keystones for differentiation and concepts to drive growth and profit.

In many markets, labels with huge potential remain dormant, they are the so-called: "Sleeping Beauties". We plumb these branding reservoirs to turn them into well positioned, efficiently-led brands and turn them into the cornerstones of a successful corporate strategy. This applies for example to many products which are successful in Eastern and Central European or in Asian markets but not yet in the West. Our clients profit from our knowledge of and our experience in Western as much as Eastern markets.

Using corporate philosophy as a leadership tool

Corporate Spirit implies “conviction“ – and embodies the principles that drive an organisation.
What principles guide a corporation?
What are the beliefs of employees?
What makes executives tick?
Is it possible to help employees, management and clients to further identify with the organisation even beyond their existing guidelines to make them co-operate even more effectively and successfully?
These questions are at the heart of any corporate philosophy. We believe that corporate philosophy is one of the most important leadership tools in the box. For projects concerning corporate philosophy BRANDINSIDER cooperates with Dominic Veken, Institut für Marken- und Unternehmensphilosophie GmbH (www.unternehmensphilosophie.org), a consultancy that helped define the corporate philosophy of Europe’s largest mail order company Otto Group and German utility EnBW. He helped the beverage brand Bionade with its communication strategy and advised both, German party CDU and chancellor Angela Merkel during her election campaigns.

Developing the value of a brand

The brand makes all the difference. A branded product is, of course, far more valuable than a no-name. A strong brand has more value than a weak one. What amount of investment in branding, marketing and communications is justifiable to turn these truisms in a convincing, successful and valuable branding strategy to create sustainable value for the corporation?

Based on decade long experience we create, develop and revitalize brands to create value for our clients. The brand, its guidelines and identity are consequently aligned with your corporate goals. The result is an interactive process between corporate strategy, brand architecture and brand positioning.

To ensure our clients’ success we optimize the relevance of their brands.

That means

  • enhancing the credibility of your performance promise
  • clarifying your stand-alone position
  • honing your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in regards to your competition

Product Marketing and Sales

Marketing and sales both focus on the question of how to better manage and deliver to the expectations of customers. We find that our clients’ major challenge is to create their offerings, whether products or services, in a way that embodies a promise to their customers: combine the technically possible with my highest expectations.

Competitive advantage can only be achieved if

  • we understand the needs of our existing and potential customers
  • new product ranges truly represent innovation
  • the entire sales forces focuses on delivering value for the customer
  • product portfolio, structures and processes are systematically and rigorously tested for over-complexity

Each member of our team has been personally responsible for comparable tasks in corporations as executives: the prerequisite for a successful consultant.

Understanding different international markets

We offer extensive support for companies from Central and Eastern Europe looking for a successful market entry into Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We are culturally and professionally diverse so we guarantee the flexibility and knowledge to understand even the most complex needs of our clients and to turn their ideas into actual and integrated service offerings. Our success is founded on our understanding of different markets, Eastern and Western. CV Peter Littmann

We speak German, English, Russian, Czech and Slovak. Our founder and President, Peter Littmann is Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic in Hamburg (www.slovakia-hamburg.de).

Some of our Happy Clients

  • Nivea    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • brandloyalty    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • West LB    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Bata    BMW    Auto Zeitung    Beiersdorf

  • Berner    Dorma    Erlus    Fresenius

  • urzin    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Basler    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • KPMG    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Merck    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Bestes vom Bauern    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Enercity    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Aplend    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Haniel    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • West LB    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Sahco    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Rosenthal    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Prosieben    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • Igedo company    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • West LB    axon    Hugo    Poprad

  • West LB    axon    Hugo    Poprad

Who are we?


BRANDINSIDER has a single focus: your market value. We are driven, energetically, enthusiastically, to enhance your corporate performance for the long term.

Our Services

We spent many years, both in practical leadership roles and in studying scientific research analysing the correlation between marketing investments, profitable growth and shareholder value.

As a result we developed a vast tool box in corporate strategy and branding.

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 Schöne Aussicht 21

 22085 Hamburg

 Tel.: +49 40 79416873

 E-mail: info@brandinsider.com

 Amtsgericht Hamburg
 Registernummer: HRB 139837

 UID Nr. DE 209661501