Peter Littmann: Ako uspieť v obchode

Top Technics: Promotion

Uspieť v medzinárodnom obchode nie je jednoduché. Najmä dnes, keď je situácia ťažšia ako pred vypuknutím hospodárskej krízy. Pri dodržiavaní určitých pravidiel sa však dá nielen dostať na zahraničný trh, ale tam aj preraziť. 


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Who are we?


BRANDINSIDER has a single focus: your market value. We are driven, energetically, enthusiastically, to enhance your corporate performance for the long term.

Our Services

We spent many years, both in practical leadership roles and in studying scientific research analysing the correlation between marketing investments, profitable growth and shareholder value.

As a result we developed a vast tool box in corporate strategy and branding.

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